Sunday, June 07, 2009


i wonder if cats know when you're sad.
i think mine does.
i wonder if i'm only a little tiny old memory or if i'm gone completely. as if i had never existed.
i could ask. but i'm not going to. no use in that. what for? would that change anything? would i want to change anything?
ignorance is bliss. but i've never been a fan.
a zit.
removal kits and songs that stick in your mind forever. i don't love my absurd memory for stupid details i wish i had forgotten. but i was programed that way. it lies within me. this amazing ability of useless storage and unhealthy habits clogging every neuron.
por decir un lugar.
i was staring at the door.
i was there before.
the good thing about right now is that it doesn't exist.
quizas yo nunca sabre. pero it isnt gonna be me the only one wondering. i get that. at least.
como se conforma uno con caramelitos.
me regalaron una menta hoy.
ain't life sweet sugar?

Monday, June 01, 2009

trains and sewing machines

black and white, dusty old thoughts. a couple of dreams and boom. the one that is already gone reappears cual conejo de mago en el infinito sombrero de pandora que me pongo frente al espejo mientras escribo those words con las yemas de mis dedos sin sonar muy mundo de sofia.
the one that got away.
and wondering never got me far.
Seria un buen nike add.
runaway persona.
sweet sweet escapes.
porque lo old siempre suena fashionable? yo siempre he pensado que esas mujeres de antes siempre se veran mas bonitas que las de ahora en sus fotos de estudio con fondo gris y sus cabelleras sin blower.
ser como el agua que fluye. nunca me supo mejor. se empieza con el primer paso. peace mode. mixcd ending with sia's let's not fight. ahora que metric es famosillo rescato all time favorites para el mundo.
a new mom, up from 1am-5:51am. that's called love.
mi ombligo me recuerda que alguien me trajo aqui. y me mimo. y todavia me mima.
tomorrow was me on that train to meet parter in crime. the celebration will most likely include parmesan cheese and/or cheesy fun. trains gave me things. took some from me. lost a camera, found love. y siempre los cipreses afuera burlones.