i wonder if cats know when you're sad.
i think mine does.
i wonder if i'm only a little tiny old memory or if i'm gone completely. as if i had never existed.
i could ask. but i'm not going to. no use in that. what for? would that change anything? would i want to change anything?
ignorance is bliss. but i've never been a fan.
a zit.
removal kits and songs that stick in your mind forever. i don't love my absurd memory for stupid details i wish i had forgotten. but i was programed that way. it lies within me. this amazing ability of useless storage and unhealthy habits clogging every neuron.
por decir un lugar.
i was staring at the door.
i was there before.
the good thing about right now is that it doesn't exist.
quizas yo nunca sabre. pero it isnt gonna be me the only one wondering. i get that. at least.
como se conforma uno con caramelitos.
me regalaron una menta hoy.
ain't life sweet sugar?
i think mine does.
i wonder if i'm only a little tiny old memory or if i'm gone completely. as if i had never existed.
i could ask. but i'm not going to. no use in that. what for? would that change anything? would i want to change anything?
ignorance is bliss. but i've never been a fan.
a zit.
removal kits and songs that stick in your mind forever. i don't love my absurd memory for stupid details i wish i had forgotten. but i was programed that way. it lies within me. this amazing ability of useless storage and unhealthy habits clogging every neuron.
por decir un lugar.
i was staring at the door.
i was there before.
the good thing about right now is that it doesn't exist.
quizas yo nunca sabre. pero it isnt gonna be me the only one wondering. i get that. at least.
como se conforma uno con caramelitos.
me regalaron una menta hoy.
ain't life sweet sugar?